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Lifespan nl

vr 13 dec


Universitair Psychiatrisch Centrum KU Le

 Life Span integration 1 (NL)

Lifespan Integration niveau 1 met Anandi Janner Steffan. ACV Kortenberg

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 Life Span integration 1 (NL)
 Life Span integration 1 (NL)

Tijd en locatie

13 dec 2019, 09:30 – 14 dec 2019, 17:30

Universitair Psychiatrisch Centrum KU Le, Leuvensesteenweg 517, 3070 Kortenberg, België


Over het evenement

Description of the Level 1 Lifespan Integration® training

Lifespan Integration® (LI) is a gentle integrative trauma therapy, corresponding to the present understanding in psycho- and interpersonal neurobiology (Siegel 2012, van der Kolk, 2014, Cozolino 2017)). It allows the integration of dissociated Ego States through the lifespan, based on the patient’s own “Time Line” from past to present. LI is indicated for adults as well as children suffering from attachment deficiencies, personality disorders, dissociation, anxiety, affect dysregulation and PTSD symptoms.
The level 1 Lifespan Integration training takes place over two consecutive days. Participants will learn about the history of LI and the fundamental principles underlying LI.  The various LI protocols will be overviewed, and the first steps of LI treatment planning will be discussed. Note: Without full knowledge of all the protocols, which will be taught in Levels 2 and 3, in depth treatment planning is not yet possible.

Therapists attending the Level 1 LI training will be introduced to the importance of attunement, and will come to an understanding of why LI therapists must remain profoundly attuned to their clients throughout LI sessions.  During the first morning participants will practice attuning to one another, and will learn some basics of LI treatment planning. After lunch the instructor will give a live demonstration of standard protocol LI, after which questions will be answered before participants begin with their first practice session. Over the course of two days, participants will watch videos of Lifespan Integration sessions and will see either a live demo or a video where LI is used for PTSD.  Over this two-day training there will be three practice sessions where participants experience standard protocol LI from each of three roles: therapist, client, and observer.  In order to receive credit, each participant must remain present during the entire training, and must fully participate in all three practices.

The Lifespan Integration training workshops are for mental health professionals.

To qualify to attend, a therapist must have a graduate degree in the field of mental health. The trainings are open to clinicians with MA, MSW, PsyD, and PhD degrees in Psychology, and to MD Psychiatrists. Any exceptions must be approved prior to registration.
Psychology graduate students nearing completion of their programs are eligible to attend the Lifespan Integration training at a reduced rate. To qualify to attend, students should be in the final year of their training programs, and must be participating in a supervised counseling internship.

Trainer: Dr A. Janner Steffan, Switzerland, certified LI Instructor and supervisor

During my studies in Switzerland and as researcher in the area of cell genetics as a molecular biologist in Cambridge, I enjoyed  the scientific thoroughness, the persistent questioning of existing theories  and the pleasure of ongoing discovery while keeping an open mind. After leaving the academic career in favor of my patchwork family with six children, Aïkido and meditation became a regular part of my everyday life. I started teaching in my own dojo. 
After a three-year systemic education as a counselor according to Virginia Satir in San Francisco, supplemented by additional training in holding (Martha Welch, Aletha Solter) and family constellations (Bert Hellinger) in Germany, I opened my practice of the "clarification relationnelle" in Neuchâtel in 1995. From the very beginning, the knowledge and discoveries in the field of neurobiology were intertwined with the clinical findings in therapy. 
In recent years, new insights in the areas of trauma and neuroscience enticed me to be trained by Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing), Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges (Polyvagal Theory), Ellert Nijenhuis (Dissociative disorders and psychotrauma), Luise Reddemann (PITT) and Peggy Pace (Lifespan Integration™). Since practicing LI, an important aspect of my work consists of promoting Lifespan Integration™. In 2014 I developed a systemic model of LI which permits trauma resolution for families, couples and children. 

Dagindeling :

09u00 – 09u30 :  onthaal

09u30 – 11u00 :  workshop

11u00 – 11u30 :  pauze met koffie/thee

11u30 – 13u00 :  workshop

13u00 – 14u00 :  lunch

14u00 – 15u30 :  workshop

15u30 – 16u00 :  pauze met koffie/thee en versnaperingen

16u00 – 17u30 :  workshop


Inschrijving : 

De training kost € 490 (- 10 % voor leden van BIP vzw) (=  inclusief hand-outs, koffiepauzes en lunch)

Opgelet : € 570,00 € indien u betaalt na 29 november 2019, € 595 na 7 december 2019.



Klinisch Psychologe, klinisch orthopedagoge, psychiater of sexuoloog zijn, psychotherapeut (met een opleiding van minstens vier jaar) met therapeutische ervaring van minstens 10 uur per week.

Plaats :

AVC van het UPC, Campus Kortenberg, Leuvensesteenweg 517 in 3070 Kortenberg.


In geval van onvoldoende inschrijvingen, ten laatste twee weken voor aanvang van de workshop/opleiding, behouden wij ons het recht voor deze te annuleren.
Het inschrijvingsgeld wordt u integraal teruggestort.
Bij annulering door de inschrijver wordt het inschrijvingsgeld enkel terugbetaald in geval van overmacht.



  • Vroegboekkorting

    Inschrijving :  De training kost € 490 (- 10 % voor leden van BIP vzw) (=  inclusief hand-outs, koffiepauzes en lunch) 
Opgelet : € 570,00 € indien u betaalt na 29 november 2019, € 595 na 14 december 2019.  

    € 490,00
    Verkoop geëindigd op


€ 0,00

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